Our Girls
Meet Toni
Can GCH Riverdance Dippity Do, TD
Hi, I’m Toni!
Can GCH Riverdance Dippity Do TD
Toni is a sweet and snuggly girl who is very biddable. She earned her Grand Championship in May 2019. She has her first tracking title and is working towards her final field and Urban tracking titles. She comes from a long line of Champions, Junior Hunter, Obedience and Tracking. Toni has had 3 litters and is an amazing Mom. She has produced beautiful, smart and solid puppies. I look forward to continuing her training and competing for many more years to come.
Check out Toni’s upcoming litters…

Meet Missy
Hi, I’m Missy!
Tygold Mission Accomplished
Missy is our fun and excitable girl! She is a smaller package comes with a big personality. She loves to work and has the energy to keep on working. She is smart and picks up new exercises quite easily. She loves people and can never get enough of saying hi to everyone she meets.
Missy has earned 2 points towards her Championship, however due to COVID there have been no shows to enter and finish. She is currently training for tracking, obedience and rally.
Check out Missy’s upcoming litters…

Meet Ally
Hi, I’m Ally!
Tygold’s Circle of Life
Ally is out of my girl Toni. Born December 11, 2019 in a litter of 5. She is a solid girl with a sweet disposition. She has a wash and wear type coat. She was born just before COVID and although has not been entered in any shows in 2020 we continue to train in handling, obedience, rally and tracking.
Ally’s dad (BIS MRBIS Am GCH AM BISS CanGCHEX Goldstreak Hollykins Sport SLT BOSS SDHF CGN WC) was # 1 Golden in Canada 2018 AM CH in 9 days Am BISS winner/AOM GRCC 2018. She is a beautiful girl with an outstanding pedigree. Ally has a lot of bone, excellent front and great rear angulation.