Bitches in Season
Usually the season lasts three weeks, with the most fertile period being between day 8 and day 21. On average, a bitch will have a season every 6-7 months.
Restlessness and variable appetite
Increased frequency of urination on the walk
Apparently skittish behavior and poor recall
Increased vulva swelling and reddening
Attractiveness to male dogs, although at first not interested herself
Bloody vulva discharge and “spotting”
Precautions To Take
Keep your girl safe by only letting her out supervised. You can take her on short walks but they must be on a leash. If at all possible, try to walk her from your car, rather than directly from your house. Male dogs can smell a bitch in season from a mile away and may become directed to your property! Also, avoid dog walking routes commonly used by local dog owners.
During this period you may want to invest in disposable or washable “bitch panties” or “disposable diapers” for your girl. She can wear them around the house to avoid making a mess on your carpet, floors or furniture. They come in a wide variety and can typically be found at your local pet store.
Health Benefits to Spaying
There are many health benefits to spaying your girl after her first heat cycle. First and foremost you will prevent any unwanted breeding’s. There are enough unwanted dogs and irresponsible breeders out there that we don't want to add to the pack. If you do not have a purebred and breeding rights, don't let an "accident" happen. Spaying also reduces risk of certain illnesses, such as pyometra (a common, life-threatening infection of the uterus) or mammary gland cancer.
There is more to breeding dogs then meets the eye or pocket book. Finding and placing puppies in responsible and caring homes with people and/or families that can afford to care for them financially, physically and emotionally is challenging. Keeping your girl safe during her heat cycle is crucial. Once she has completed her first heat cycle you can then schedule her spay with a reputable vet.
DO NOT spay her prior to 30 days after she has completed her first heat cycle. Her body needs to completely go back to “normal”. To be safe I count 60 days from the first day of her cycle as a minimum time to spay her.